Needle Conversion Chart

We collaborate closely with our suppliers to make sure that your needles arrive in the exact dimensions as expected. However, due to differences in production processes of manufacturers, certain brands have a limited number of gauges available. See the individual product page for details.

Note the Korean manufacturer Dong Bang produces 1.0" inch DBC needles in 1.2" inches length, only.

Use the following needle chart to convert your lengths and sizes of needles from Korean/Japanese to Chinese measurements.

Chinese Gauge Japanese
Chinese Box Color Japanese Box Color Diameter Length Inches Length Mm
24 Black 0.44mm 1.0" 25
24 Black 0.44mm 1.5" 40
24 Black 0.44mm 2.0" 50
26 Black 0.40mm 1.0" 25
26 Black 0.40mm 1.5" 40
26 Black 0.40mm 2.0" 50
28 10 Dark Purple Black 0.35mm 0.5" 13
28 10 Dark Purple Black 0.35mm 1.0" 25
28 10 Dark Purple Black 0.35mm 1.5" 40
28 10 Dark Purple Black 0.35mm 2.0" 50
28 10 Dark Purple Black 0.35mm 2.5" 60
28 10 Dark Purple Black 0.35mm 3.0" 75
28 10 Dark Purple Black 0.35mm 4.0" 100
28 10 Dark Purple Black 0.35mm 5.0" 125
30 8 Brown Brown 0.30mm 0.5" 13
30 8 Brown Brown 0.30mm 1.0" 25
30 8 Brown Brown 0.30mm 1.5" 40
30 8 Brown Brown 0.30mm 2.0" 50
30 8 Brown Brown 0.30mm 3.0" 75
30 8 Brown Brown 0.30mm 4.0" 100
30 8 Brown Brown 0.30mm 5.0" 125
30 8 Brown Brown 0.30mm 6.0" 150
32 5 Purple Purple 0.25mm 0.5" 13
32 5 Purple Purple 0.25mm 1.0" 25
32 5 Purple Purple 0.25mm 1.5" 40
32 5 Purple Purple 0.25mm 2.0" 50
32 5 Purple Purple 0.25mm 3.0" 75
32 5 Purple Purple 0.25mm 4.0" 100
34 4 Pink Pink 0.22mm 0.5" 13
34 4 Pink Pink 0.22mm 1.0" 25
34 4 Pink Pink 0.22mm 1.5 40
34 4 Pink Pink 0.22mm 2.0" 50
34 4 Pink Pink 0.22mm 3.0" 75
36 3 Blue Blue 0.20mm 0.5" 13
36 3 Blue Blue 0.20mm 1.0" 25
36 3 Blue Blue 0.20mm 1.5" 40
38 2 Yellow Ivory 0.18mm 0.25" 7
38 2 Yellow Ivory 0.18mm 0.5" 13
38 2 Yellow Ivory 0.18mm 1.0" 25
38 2 Yellow Ivory 0.18mm 1.5" 40
38 2 Yellow Ivory 0.18mm 2.0" 50
40 1 Red Red 0.16mm 0.25" 7
40 1 Red Red 0.16mm 0.5" 13
40 1 Red Red 0.16mm 1.0" 25
42 0 Light Green Lime Green 0.14mm 0.5" 13
42 0 Light Green Lime Green 0.14mm 1.0" 25
44 00 Dark Green Dark Green 0.12mm 0.5" 13
44 00 Dark Green Dark Green 0.12mm 1.0" 25
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