What Japanese Acupuncture Supplies you Need to Start Your Own Practice
If there is one specific kind of acupuncture that is taking precedent above all others, it is the practice of Japanese acupuncture. Though this form of acupuncture still uses many of the same techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), or Chinese acupuncture, the variations between the two make the difference to the person receiving treatment. Perhaps as an acupuncturist, you’re looking to be trained in this new form of medicine and expand your practice. At AcuWarehouse, we have the Japanese acupuncture supplies you need to start this new form of treatment in your practice and help broaden your horizons as a trained, well-versed acupuncturist.
Japanese-Style Needles
The biggest difference between Japanese style and Chinese style acupuncture is the type of needles that are used. The size of the needles in Japanese acupuncture is usually smaller in diameter to those that are used in TCM acupuncture. This is often said to be more comfortable for the patient because they rarely feel the traditional “pinch” or “prick” because the needle is smaller. There are specific needles for the J-type acupuncture needles that you would need to purchase in our acupuncture needle section that are labeled accordingly.
In addition to the type of needles that are needed for this treatment, there is also another component to them that distinguishes the two types in the use of plastic tubes to guide the needles. This is found to be successful in Japanese style acupuncture because it is less painful. Also, many acupuncturists claim that this form of acupuncture is also more sanitary due to the lack of direct contact with the needle from the practitioner. The guiding tubes are often found packaged with the needles in our Japanese acupuncture supplies section.
Moxibustion Techniques
Another key factor in practicing Japanese acupuncture is the use of moxa and moxibustion techniques regularly. In the moxibustion technique, the acupuncturist warms the skin before needle insertion with a plant called moxa. The moxa is set on fire and then the burning plant is placed near the parts of the skin where the needles will be inserted. Though this is not necessarily a specific practice to any form of acupuncture, there are certain Japanese acupuncture supplies you must need to fulfill this technique. All moxa and moxibustion tools are found within their respective section on our website.
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